
Use of Investor Relations Information

The IR information provided on this website is intended to offer financial data, business indicators, and other relevant information about Smaregi, Inc. (hereafter referred to as "the Company").
However, we are not making any representations or warranties about the content's accuracy or completeness.
Also, the information on this website is not meant to solicit investments.
When making actual investment decisions, please refrain from relying solely on the information provided on this website. We strongly advise you to make investment decisions based on your own judgment.

Information Posted

While the Company takes great care in posting information on this website, we accept no responsibility for any errors in the posted information, or any issues caused by data tampering or downloading by third parties, regardless of the reason.

Forward-Looking Statements

The information on this website, including news releases and Q&A sessions during earnings briefings, may contain forward-looking statements regarding future performance, plans, and strategies.
These forward-looking statements are based on information available to the Company at the time of disclosure and certain assumptions deemed reasonable. However, the Company does not guarantee the achievement of these projections.
Please be aware that actual performance may differ from these forward-looking statements due to various risks and uncertainties.

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