- 2001
- Jan. Makoto Tokuda (now serves as corporate advisor) and Takuya Mochizuki (now serves as corporate auditor) set out a webpage design organization in Osaka.
- 2005
- May. Established genephics design, Inc. (representative director Makoto Tokuda)
- 2010
- Dec. System development department spun off into wholly owned subsidiary PLUGRAM, Inc. (representative director & CEO Hiroshi Yamamoto)
- 2011
- Aug. Launched the first brunch in Ota-ku, Tokyo.
- Sep. Released a Cloud-based POS system Smaregi.
- Nov. Relocate the head office to Chuo-ku, Osaka.
- 2012
- Jun. Tokyo office moved to Ebisu, Shibuya-ku.
- Nov. Released an order management system for resstaurants, Smaregi Waiter.
- 2013
- Apr. Online shopping site for store supplies, Store Store, opened, e-commerce business launched.
- Aug. genephics design reorganized from limited company to joint stock company.
- Oct. POS sysytem Smaregi got a prized for GOOD DESIGN AWARD.
- Dec. Subsidiary PLUGRAM merged with genephics design to optimize operations.
- 2014
- Jan. Released a work management system Smaregi TimeCard.
- Mar. Got a patent for web design generation system (Patent No. 5632430)
- Jun. Tokyo office was relocated to Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku.
- Jul. Major Smaregi update, Smaregi 2, released.
- 2015
- Apr. Custom development business (website creation, system development) closed, ops centralized in cloud services business to further improve our own services.
- May. 10th anniversary of establishment.
- Nov. QR code payment firm Blue turned into wholly owned subsidiary via stock swap to bolster payment business.
- 2016
- Mar. Opened a showroom in Osaka head office.
- Jul. Tokyo showroom and Tokyo office moved to Ebisu, Shibuya-ku.
- Nov. Corporate name changed to Smaregi.
- 2017
- Apr. Subsidiary Blue merged with Smaregi to optimize operations.
- May. Nagoya and Yokohama showrooms opened.
- Jul. Major Smaregi update, Smaregi 3, released.
- 2018
- Mar. Released Payroll accounting system which is able to integrate with Smaregi and Smaregi TimeCard.
- Jun. Osaka head office moved to Honmachi, Chuo -ku, Osaka.
- Jul. Smaregi's accumulated Gross Merchandise Value break through the 1 trillion yen.
- 2019
- Feb. Listed on TSE's Mothers market.(Securities Code: 4431)
- Apr. Opened "Smaregi counter" in the stores of YAMADA DENKI which is one of the largest electrolonics stores in Japan.
- May. Yokohama showroom rolocated to WeWork. (Closed in April 2020)
- Aug. Ikebukuro showroom opened in WeWork. (Closed in April 2020)
- Nov. Newly start operating a support center in Sapporo, Hokkaido.
- Dec. Smaregi's accumulated Gross Merchandise Value break through the 2 trillion yen.
- 2020
- Jan. Smaregi’s management philosophy reformulated to "OPEN DATA, OPEN SCIENCE!"
- Apr. Tokyo office relocated to Ebisu Prime Square Tower, Shibuya-ku. (Current location)
- Jul. Major Smaregi update, Smaregi 3, released.
Launched Smaregi App Market. - Nov. Smaregi's accumulated Gross Merchandise Value break through the 3 trillion yen.
- Dec. Shinagawa showroom newly opened.
- 2021
- Jan. Started CVC business Smaregi Ventures
- Feb. Business and capital alliance with LBB Co., Ltd., mobile order platform.
- Mar. Annouced Long-term Vision And Medium-term Management Plan
- May. Business and capital alliance with KMW Inc., store management tool はたLuck(R).
Education and development program for IT human resource Smaregi Tech Farm started. - Jul. Smaregi TimeCard's registered store accounts broke through 100 thousand.
Released owned media "Akinai LABO". - Aug. Smaregi's registered store accounts broke through 100 thousand.
- Sep. Fukuoka showroom newly opend. (Relocated in May 2022)
Started equipment subscription plan. - Oct. Business and capital alliance with Shikomel Food Tech Inc., central kitchen platform.
- Nov. Smaregi's accumulated Gross Merchandise Value break through the 4 trillion yen.
- Dec. Acquired Royal Gate, Inc. through stock acquisition and made it a subsidiary.
- 2022
- Mar. Shibuya showroom newly opened. (Closed in August 2023)
- Apr. The Company transits to the Growth Market under the new market segmentation of Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.
- May. Fukuoka showroom moved to Shintencho Shopping Arcade in Tenjin, Fukuoka.
Began sales of the PAYGATE payment service.
Smaregi presents "Harapeko CIRCUS," a new food festival premiere. - Jul. Merged with a consolidated subsidiary, ROYAL GATE INC.
- Aug. Smaregi's accumulated Gross Merchandise Value break through the 5 trillion yen.
- Oct. Started User community "Akinai LABO".
- Dec. Business and capital alliance with Anyflow Inc., embedded-type-iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) for SaaS providers.
- 2023
- Jan. Revision of monthly usage fees for Smaregi and Smaregi TimeCard.
Surpassed 100 published apps in Smaregi App Market. - Mar. Announced Second Medium-term Management Plan.
Released PAYGATE POS, a dedicated app that enables the use of POS registers at payment terminals. - Apr. A standing bar "awabar Shinsaibashi" opened as an experimental store.
- May. Food festival "Harapeko CIRCUS" sponsored by Smaregi for the second time. 126,800 visitors, surpassing last year.
- Sep. Relocated and expanded Shibuya Showroom to a convenient location near Ebisu station.
- Oct. Invested in COUNTERWORKS, the provider of the online platform for event and pop-up retail space 'SHOPCOUNTER'.
Relocated and expanded Nagoya Showroom to a convenient location near Nagoya station. - Nov. Started offering a monthly 0 yen plan for PAYGATE
Smaregiʼs user community meet-up event, “Akinai LABO,” held in Osaka and Fukuoka
- Jan. Revision of monthly usage fees for Smaregi and Smaregi TimeCard.
- 2024
- Jan. Invested in CAMCORPORATION, a cloud ERP company for SMEs
- Mar. Launched self-service kiosks (ticket vending machines).
- Apr. Announced the acquisition of the ResONE Plus business from Ligua Co., Ltd.
Limited time showrooms that travel to local cities (6 locations in Japan) - May. Hosted the 2nd Food Festival: "Smaregi presents HUNGRY CIRCUS"
Attracted 223,000 visitors, significantly surpassing last year's 120,000 attendees. - Jun. Acquired "TSUBAME DONUT" which operates five stores in Fukuoka.
- Jul. Change in Executive Leadership:
Ryuhei Miyazaki appointed as President and CEO. Hiroshi Yamamoto assumes the role of Chairman of the Board. - Sep. Relocated Osaka branch office to Osaka Center Building, 5th floor
- Oct. Established MVV (Mission, Vision, Values)

Logo of genephics design, Inc. Around 5 employees.

HQ (Osaka) :Move to an authentic office from an apartment. Around 10 employees.

Tokyo office : Started with a one room apartment.

New office in Ebisu. Around 3 employees in Tokyo office.

Exhibition in 3rd time.

Year-end party in Osaka.

Tokyo office in Sendagaya.

The day of completion in construction for Osaka showroom.

Best location both for showroom and office.

Meetup event with development partners.

New head office face to the main street in Osaka.

Listing ceremony at TSE on February 28, 2019.

Accelerated the online meeting.

The 15th Annual Shareholders Meeting with all new and old directors.

Started forward the marketing measures proactively.

Introduction of a group executive officer system.

User community "Akinai LABO" MeetUp.

The Fukuoka Tenjin Showroom relocated and opened in Shintencho Shopping Arcade.

Local favorite eateries from the Kansai region gathered, attracting over 120,000 attendees.

At the 19th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, Miyazaki was appointed Representative Director.